Physical tickets are used for this show, please keep them securely.
Tickets will delivery 2 weeks before show, and who buyed tickets within 7 days before show need to exchange physical tickets by the QR code
*每張門票需附加1% 支付手續費,無法退款。
*There is a non-refund payment service fee of 1% per ticket.


SHOW DATE 演出日期: 28/09/2024  2024 年 9 月 28 日

SHOW TIME 演出时间: 15:00(GMT+8)

VENUE 演出地点: 中国澳门旅游塔2楼展览厅Macau Tower Level 2 Exhibition Hall

PRICE  票价: 1,880 / 1,580 / 1,180 / 880   




1. 每位觀衆都必須出⽰有效的⻔票以進⾏驗證,包括⼉童。

2. 每張⻔票都附有唯⼀的⼆維碼(僅限⼀次性使⽤),⼊場時將對其進⾏掃描。請不要在⽹上發布您的⻔票或與他⼈共享,以防⽌僞造及受騙,我司不會以任何名義索要您的二維碼及票根.

3. 售出的⻔票恕不退票或換票。

4. 主辦⽅或票務代理對售出⻔票的任何遺失或損壞概不負責。

5. 持票⼈可能會在進⼊場地時接受⾝體/⾏李檢查。

6. 演出期間嚴禁進⾏任何形式的專業攝影、錄像或錄⾳。

7. 禁⽌攜帶任何武器、尖銳物品、易爆、有毒、易燃、放射性物品,⿇醉藥品和精神藥品,⻝品飲料,或可能⼲擾活動正常有序進⾏的物品以及寵物進⼊場館。

8. 如果⻔票的真實性或有效性受到質疑,包括⻔票是否有任何損壞或汙損,或者不是從 Organizer/TH TICKETING或主辦⽅授權的銷售點購買的,可能會拒進⼊場館觀看。

9. 您同意接受並遵守任何場地規則或其他規定。主辦⽅和/或場館管理可以⾃⾏決定及保留權利拒絕持票⼈⼊場或排除任何不遵守上述規則以及⾏爲不當的持票⼈。

10. 其他條款和條件可能會另外實施或執⾏。


1. To enter the concert venue, every concert-goer MUST print present a valid ticket with QR code for validation, including children.

2. Each ticket is attached with a UNIQUE QR code (one-time use only) which will be scanned upon venue admission. Please refrain from posting your ticket(s) online or share it with others to prevent forgery.THTicketing will not ask for your QR code or ticket stub under any name.

3. Tickets sold are not refundable or exchangeable.

4. The Organizer or ticket agent shall not be liable and responsible for any loss or damage on tickets sold.

5. Ticketholder may be subject to body/bag checks upon entering the venue.

6. Strictly NO Professional photography, video or audio recording of any kind is permitted during the show.

7. It is forbidden to take into the venue any kind of weapon, sharp objects, explosive, toxic, flammable, and radioactive materials, narcotics and psychotropic substances, food and beverage, or items that may cause disturbance to the regular and orderly execution of the Event or pet.

8. Entry to the event may be refused if the authenticity or validity of a ticket is questionable, including if the ticket has been damaged or defaced in any way, or has not been purchased from Organizer/TH TICKETING or authorized points of sale by the Organizer.

9. By entering the Event, you agree to accept and abide by any venue rules or other regulations. Promoter and/or venue may at our sole discretion reserve the right to refuse admittance or exclude any attendees who does not respect the above said rules as well as behaving in an inappropriate manner.

10. Other terms and conditions apply.




2.請勿於拍賣網站或是其他非TH TICKETING正式授權售票之渠道、網站購票,除可能衍生詐騙案件或交易糾紛外,以免影響自身權益,若發生演出現場無法入場或是其他問題,主辦單位及 TH TICKETING 概不負責。




6.如發現購買門票時有任何不尋常的紀錄、炒賣或任何涉及違法的行為,TH TICKETING 有權取消其入場資格並保留一切法律追究的權利。所有已支付的門票費用,包括手續費及行政費均不會退還。






Terms & Conditions

1. Please pay attention to all terms and conditions. You agree to all rules and regulations if you complete your order.

2. To protect your rights and interests, please do not purchase tickets through any unofficial ticketing platforms or channels that are not authorized by TH TICKETING. Fraud and disputes may occur during the transaction. Meanwhile, the organizer and TH TICKETING will not be responsible for any admission issues or other problems caused by the tickets from unauthorized ticketing platforms.

3. No returns, exchanges or refunds will be accepted once the ticket is sold.

4. Each ticket admits one person only. No reissue of any ticket lost or damaged. Please keep your QR Code / e-ticket safe.

5. Participants for this event must be at the age of 18 or above.

6. If any unusual transactions, illegal acts or speculation is found, TH TICKETING has the right to cancel their qualifications of entry and reserves the right to take legal actions. All ticket fees paid, including booking and handling fees, will not be refunded.

7. No outside food or drink is allowed at the event.

8. No flash photography, videotaping, audio recording or live streaming is allowed. If found, the staff has the right to delete the audio and video materials of the event immediately.

9. You must follow all rules and regulations arranged by the organizer and the venue. If anyone interferes with the event, the organizer reserves the right to ask them to leave the venue.

10. The organizer reserves the rights to suspend, terminate, amend or modify the event if there are any changes necessary.

11. For questions related to the programme or the event, please contact the organizer. For E-Mailcs@thticketing.com